
Book a session with Michael Fonseca

Studio is located in Saint-Gilles - 1060 - Brussels

Exploring the world of tantric massage is a truly enriching journey.

It's essential to understand that the teachings associated with Tantra are a gradual process. It's a voyage of self-discovery and a transformation of our relationship with the world, which demands a deep respect for each individual's unique pace.

Tantric massage is a sacred practice characterized by its deliberate slowness and sensuality. Through the delight of the senses, it seeks to awaken a heightened state of awareness. The feelings of well-being, sensations, and profound emotions experienced during this practice guide us on a spiritual path through life.

Tantric massage provides a space where we can fully embrace our true selves, without judgment or expectations. Learning to be present in the moment, to let go of preconceived notions and beliefs, and to simply receive and accept the present reality are integral parts of the transformative journey that Tantra offers.


Sexual energy is the essence of life itself. Tantric massage facilitates the free flow of this vital energy. Whether consciously or unconsciously, our physical experiences since birth are etched into our bodies. Some events leave painful imprints on our existence. The respectful and loving nature of tantric massage can aid in recognizing, accepting, and healing these wounds.

My massages are conducted on a comfortable futon on the floor, using warm oil, and with a naturist approach. If privacy is a concern for any reason, you have the option to wear underwear. Your comfort—physical, mental, and emotional—is my top priority. The massage unfolds gently, with utmost respect for your pace and rhythm. Tantric massage is a profound gift of love.


2h00 / 190€

3h00 / 270€

The prices and durations indicated include talking time before and after the massage.

Appointments are made by phone call only.

You can also use whatsapp to call me.

Practical information :

Please take a shower before arriving.

If you had to eat before arriving, eat light.

You don't need to bring anything, all the equipment is on site

Notice to those with allergies: I have a cat. Her name is Tisha and she will be happy to welcome you. She usually takes a nap close to the heaters during the massage.

Terms of cancelation :

In the event of cancellation on your part on the same day of the appointment, the sum of €120 will be due and payment will be requested. In the event of cancellation the day before your appointment, you will be charged €80 for the lost slot.

Tantric massage Testimonials

Chloé S.

First tantra massage by a man! First wonderful experience! I very much appreciated the ethical framework which allowed me to feel safe! A touch and a benevolent presence! Thank you for creating this space !!!

nathalie p.

A massage with Michael is to reconnect with oneself, to come to terms with a body that is sometimes abused, it is to meet benevolence, it is the space of a moment to forget oneself in order to be more than an energy of well-being. Thank you for everything you give Michael, sincerely thank you.

Jessica B.

A unique experience ! Thank you Michael for your kindness, your generosity. Self-surrender in your hands. In my eyes, it is beyond a massage. It is a road to recovery. A reconnection with my inner goddess. An energy that flows throughout the body to the tips of the feet 😊 This moment allowed me to be more grounded. A sacred moment to live in full consciousness.

Barbara B.

For me, getting a massage was a milestone, envy and worry were both present. The time that Michael took before the session allowed me to put words into my representation - not very clear or even erroneous - of tantric massage, to listen to its framework and its ethics. This necessary and reassuring preamble contributed to my safety. From the massage, I can say that, to my surprise, I cried a lot, then I found the energy of the puppy playing and it was joy of the child who expresses herself freely in the game. Both the gentle power of the massage and the attentive and benevolent posture of Michael allowed me to welcome and go through the emotions that arose. I was touched - both literally and figuratively - to be in physical contact with a man who remains straight in his masculine yet gentle, connected to his feminine side. This possible fusion really moved me.

Anne G.

I thank Michael from the bottom of my heart for sharing this wonderful experience with me with all his kindness, his soul. It was a very intense moment in emotions, in feelings. What a wonderful trip I was able to take during the whole session. To find myself first connecting to the child cradled as I had been and then feeling my female body coming back to me and to end the session, I felt, as if someone came to placed me a new sex . Michael helped me greatly with his soft voice, his request to breathe well, his massage encompassing my whole body. He was pausing softly when the tears flowed as he didn't let go of me. I was able to reconnect with my body and soul. It’s the greatest gift I have given myself after going through a lot of bad things in my life. Since this massage, I feel liberated, light and alive. A very big THANK YOU Michaël for crossing my path❤️🙏


I waited a month for an update on my tantric massage session. A lot has happened.

First of all, I loved the very childlike energy I felt when I left your house. Your treatment gave me a hopping go, it had been a while since I had felt this. I really wanted to eat a delicious cupcake from Forcado, it was great you live next door.

And then… I went home, I enjoyed the pastry with a good cup of tea… and I realized how comforted I felt. You had this very beautiful gesture, where I felt my neck supported, as well as my thumb, a maternal gesture, incredibly soft. I was mothered very little in my childhood, and not at all supported in my life as a mother. So knowing that I will be able to feel that again, it took a load off me, that of a great sadness.

Another thing really struck me. I became aware of the sensitivity of my hands. During the massage, you placed your fingers lightly in the center of my chest, in slight trembling, a few mm above the sternum area. I knew this point in Tui Na, it is super calming. Realized, when I went to bed, that reproducing this gesture on me calmed me deeply. I'm not really used to "touching" myself, I come from a family where people are very rigid and modest, and suddenly I sometimes feel a little foreign to my body ... and not caring enough towards it. ! After the massage, I understood that it was ok to give yourself some softness and support.

Another impact of this gesture, I feel it allows me to dream more intensely. I was quite upset by the way. The day after the massage, I had an absolutely incredible dream. I've been stuck on something for 3 years. So much so that I am obsessed with it, I think about it all the time, and if I dream about it I again experience great discomfort. This dream confronted me with this problem again, except this time I completely accepted to face the discomfort it engenders to the end, to live it and overcome it. It was just amazing! I can't explain it, but it felt so good to live it, even in a dream. Released, delivered, ah ah ah! 

So there it's been a big month since I feel really good. Good energy found, super positive vibrations. Wow!

Thanks to you!

Sophie DH


Last night, during my lecture on the 7 secrets of GOLD health, a lady asked me this question: "How do you reconnect to your heart? "

This is a question that I have asked myself and have searched for a long time how.

And the day I stopped looking, Michael showed up on my way

One of the most beautiful encounters on this path towards me.

The massage provided shattered the shell I had made around my heart over the years.

And I told her, drowned in my sobs, "until today I was not connected to my heart"

Need to reconnect with your heart, your body, Michael is the right person for you

Kailea N.

Michael is the angel of well-being, giving and generosity.He delivered me from all my complexes, all my false beliefs and all my taboos.It is as if I had lost 20 kilos in only one session 😅! I feel so light, so beautiful, if ... I have regained the balance of my mind and my body. I breathe deeply, I laugh heartily, I dance, I sing when it takes me. I cry, I scream ... I release all my emotions like children do, without any embarrassment. "Liberated, delivered, I will never lie to myself again." Liberated, delivered, NO MORE PERFECT princess. I AM HERE AS I DREAMED IT »But I am no longer lost! WHERE I GO I HAVE MY PLACE. Thank you very much Michael for having transformed me to the deepest depths of my being.

Ps: Tomorrow it will be a week since I received my 1st tantra massage and it's been 1 week that I am still so zen. This joy in my heart has never left me since I left the “temple” of “Master” Fonseca Michaël. Yes, go ahead, if you read the opinions, you hesitate, as I did. I tell you to sink your heart in peace.

Anne DR

Very good and slow moment of awakening and receiving the energy of the pleasure in the full body.

anne F.

Ingredients of a successful and delicious recipe: according to your needs and your expectations, Mike concocts a wonderful recipe for you on the spot with Love ... A mixture of listening, empathy, present moments, skills, gentleness, of strength, positive and powerful energies, travel, escape, refocusing, anchoring, availability and kindness ... You will have a small glimpse of what he invites you to experience ... Try , it's adopting it ... So, come on and go 🤗💖👌

emilie f.

Superb experience with Michael, who is a very gentle and attentive person, who takes the time to discuss before and after the massage so that it goes as well as possible and without fear when it is the first time. thank you very much and see you soon.

estelle B.

Beautiful, very professional and deeply moving massage. When I walked out I had a feeling of childish lightness, a sensation I hadn't felt for far too long. This is the kind of treatment that unlocks you where the psych therapies are unable to help you!


“I recommend it to you and I will try to express my feelings.

Happiness comes to the fore when the moment of connection is finally granted.

An exit from the comfort zone, for me, extreme.

I recognize myself today, this woman in the mirror who had reflected my image for so long. Sometimes sweet. Sometimes angry. Sometimes brave. Sometimes courageous. Sometimes loving. But the feminine one, I looked away.

This body and its memories.

Its delicate touch, Posed, Framed, measured, Intuitive, respectful, allowed me to connect in consciousness for the very first time to the entirety of what belongs to me. of flesh, raw, assembled to form this wonderful capsule which allows my soul to experience Life. Because as long as this bodily envelope functions, why pay attention to it, love, gentleness, tenderness?

And that's where all the magic happens. It's not just a body massage. It is an extreme and deep connection of Being, secure and framed with deep respect to reach the strength that lies in our vulnerability.

Wonder. United. Alive. Conscious. I never thought I could talk about myself like this. As a whole.

They say that in order to strive for balance, to be, we must surround ourselves with those whom we consider to be the best in their field, those who allow us to evolve, to grow.

Well, I'm happy to be able to tick that box now, in this area. This week I had my first tantric massage with Michael. First in a great series to come. Thank you 🙏🌸 "

Caroline S.

Tantric massage assessment: I feel and anchor in all my cells STRONG CALM LUMINOUS SPARKLING COMMITTED

I loved in what I received, the magnificent gift of Michael

His GENEROSITY VULNERABILITY His COMMITMENT WITH ALL HIS BODY AND ALL OF HIS BEING (to remember). What an infinite feeling of security which opens a space of benevolence towards oneself, of healing of the body and the heart. In his hands you recognize your preciousness, your beauty and you can embody all that composes you. Which gift !! thanks again

Natali M.

“A very nice gift to offer yourself or to offer to move towards yourself, in complete safety, with an unparalleled accompanist, attentive, very gentle and offering a massage of very good quality. To live at least once in your life. ”

Wistiti K.

“A beautiful experience, a moment of total relaxation of body and mind, a liberation of. Felt and in respect, gentleness, in an atmosphere, warm, relaxing, warm, feeling the energy circulating in me until in the fingers ... a pure moment of happiness ... A moment of sharing before, during, after ... I will come back. Thanks Michael 😉 ”

Delphine D.

“A strong energetic experience. Lots of listening A great Benevolence. A massage full of nuances that could last for eternity (or almost!) A beautiful gift to offer yourself to savor the present moment, feel your body in its entirety and let the energy work for the next few days. Thank you Michael!”

Mariane M

“Michael is an exceptional companion and an extraordinary masseur. He is honest, of rare generosity and his touch is very subtle. Thank you Michael for your wonderful presence and for the power of your care! ”

Celine S.

“Our body is a wonderful instrument of manifestation.

It contains extraordinary energies that life does not always give us time to discover and accept ...

Imagine for a moment in an atmosphere where time has stood still for you: Someone is waiting for you ... The place is filled with gentle warmth, the welcome is kind. Here you are in a bubble of serenity. Your body will, little by little, enter into an almost divine energetic dance. We caress you, we respect you, we gently take you to the shore of pleasure. The mind is at rest, your breathing dominates your thoughts ... Your body awakens freely to the pleasure of the senses.

Your femininity will enter a path of revelation, to spread throughout your whole body. You are going to feel beautiful. It is a total union between your liberated mind and your body revealed under the energy of touch. This tantric moment, this "delicacy" massage, will accompany you towards the revelation of your feminine sensuality. You will not be the same, you will learn to love yourself, because Tantra is used for that ... it awakens Love."

Julie Amandine

“A touching experience for a deep reconnection in the hollow of my intimacy and for a better awareness of my body, of my sensations ... A reconnection with the heart and the soul all gently and voluptuous ... An interior journey that deserves to be explored! Thanks Michael! ”

Karen B.

“Relaxation and Beautiful discovery! I recommend him to you, he knows how to put you at ease and is attentive.”

Anne-Laure V.

“Handsome man, beautiful soul, tender heart, attentive, patient, respectful. Generous, soft and welcoming hands. Fine touch, delicate, sensitive, sure, solid. Michael is one of the few people in whose hands I willingly and confidently entrust my body, my heart, my privacy.”

Beth D.

“Michael knows how to put people at ease, is attentive and respects the expectations of others. I recommend! Michael knows how to put you at ease. He listens and respects your mood & expectations. I recommend!”